Category Archives: Paraplegia

Mr. Garad

September 09, 2022 By Dr. Sangram Rajale In Paraplegia, Thoracic Spine, Neurofibromatosis
History : 17 year old boy came to Best Orthopedic Spine Doctor in Pune Dr. Sangram Rajale  the complaints of inability to walk since 10-15  days. He had issues with passing stool and urine as in he had no control over bothH/o bowel  involvement. His inability to walk was progressive in nature aro...

Mr. Parde

July 05, 2022 By Dr. Sangram Rajale In Lumbar Spine, Paraplegia, LCS, Degeneative-Scoliosis
History : A 69-year-old gentleman presented with a history of low back pain accompanied by bilateral lower limb radiculopathy for the past five years, which had worsened over the last month. His symptoms began five years ago with a sudden jerk to his back while traveling. Initially, he took medicati...
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