Category Archives: Claudication

Mrs. Mane

January 08, 2023 By Dr. Sangram Rajale In Lumbar Spine, Listhesis, Claudication, TLIF
History: A 50-year-old woman presented with complaints of lower back pain and bilateral lower limb pain persisting for 20 years, which worsened over the last 3 months. These symptoms started after the birth of her children. She sought treatmentat various hospitals but did not find relief. Although p...

Mrs. Waghmare

December 28, 2022 By Dr. Sangram Rajale In Lumbar Spine, LCS, Listhesis, Claudication
History : 58 year old lady came with complaints of low back pain and tingling and radiculopathy in B/L lower limbs since 10 years which was progressive in nature. She also complained of neuroclaudication i.e being able to walk only for 5-10 minutes following which she had to sit and rest. She was sc...

Mr. Naikwade

November 18, 2022 By Dr. Sangram Rajale In Lumbar Spine, Listhesis, Claudication History : A 39-year-old man presented to Back Pain Relief Specialist in Pune Dr. Sangram Rajale, with chronic low back pain accompanied by bilateral gluteal pain and bilateral lower limb pain (more pronounced on the left side) persisting for t...

Mrs. Suryawanshi

June 14, 2022 By Dr. Sangram Rajale In Lumbar Spine, LCS, more than 60, Claudication
History: She was a 50-year-old lady who came to Spine Surgery Specialist in Pune Dr. Sangram Rajale with complaints of low back pain, which was present throughout the day and increased on sitting down, getting up, and turning in bed. This significantly affected her day-to-day activities and reduced ...
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